
Showing posts from August, 2024

Who can Teach LPSL and How?

 Who can Teach LPSL and How? ~ pilin mi ~ Firstly I want to start with - these are just some thoughts I have rather than the definitive word on the subject. I am simply a person with opinions. Hopefully reasonable ones, but opinions none the less. These should be seen as at most guidelines or principles than rules or laws. Summary of Principles mi pilin e ni: Sufficiently fluent hearing-speaking people should be allowed to teach LPSL LPSL should always be taught voice-off. Hearing-speaking people should defer to DHH and non/semi-speaking people where possible Other disabilities should be accommodated when possible People should be able to share facts about LPSL or help each-other in any way they feel is appropriate - while avoiding teaching Personalised teaching between two people can make its own rules Money shouldn't be involved, and if it is it should be DHH and non/semi-speaking folk that benefit Preamble Throughout this I may refer to hearing-speaking people  and  DHH and non/

I Can't Believe Its Not Autism! - Laios, Sheldon and Brian Lane

  I Can't Believe Its Not Autism! - Laios, Sheldon and Brian Lane Recently the fandom of Delicious in Dungeon, aka Dungeon Meshi, has spontaneously erupted into flames over an interview with the author of the original manga who claims that a specific character - Laois Touden - isn't autistic. I probably fanned the flames myself personally while trying to bring some nuance - but more because I see Laios as indicative of a larger occurrence in media, the I Can't Believe It's Not Autism! character. Now relax into your psycho-analysis armchair and lets take a trip through my mind. Do We Have to Talk About Sheldon?  But first I want to ignore Laios and focus on a much more famous, or infamous, character - Sheldon Cooper. Just in case you have returned to our crumbling society after a blissful few decades of living as a hermit in the wilderness ( Go back! There is nothing for you here! ); Sheldon Cooper is a character from the show The Big Bang Theory - a comedy show a